
Friday, September 18, 2020

Las Cruces, the Apple of My Eye!


Who would've thought that apples grow well in the desert of Las Cruces? Did you know that at the turn of the previous century, Las Cruces was known for its excellent apples? Apples from here were proudly displayed in 1899 at the World's Fair in Paris -- where they won second place! In the 1800s, apples were an important crop here. In fact, they were the number one crop economically.

There's always something to do or see in Las Cruces, and one thing not to miss is the you-pick apples at U-Pick Mesilla Valley Apple Orchard off Shalem Colony Trail. 

Sometimes I get a little homesick for things back East, up North, or down South! And apples in autumn is one of them. It was such a balm to my heart to discover this wonderful fourth-generation apple farm that features three different kinds of apples: Common delicious, Red Delicious, and Jonathan apples. Get out there fast and pick fast to get the Jonathans! But there are literally tens of thousands of pounds' worth of apples in the orchards. It's a wonderful way to remember "back home" and a wonderful way to build memories here.

Even during these "COVID" times the apple farm is open for picking, by appointment! You just text them. So wonderful to see it open at all! Last year, the whole orchard smelled so sweet and good, and everyone we encountered was friendly and nice. It was heartwarming to see the children proudly picking their apples, and retirees such as ourselves out in the cool air, enjoying the morning! So 2020 will have to be a bit different, but join me in a hope and a prayer that COVID disappears and 2021 will bring crowds out to enjoy apple pickin' time together!

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